My stuff could use some votes...
well well well, we meet again? you can chat with me on xfire. the names pyroman4545 dont ask why its was a long time ago lol!
Age 31, Male
Joined on 7/22/09
My stuff could use some votes...
This is my latest loop, so yeah... be harsh, I need it cuz i get like no reviews xD.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.c">http://www.newgrounds.c</a> om/audio/listen/349215
Hey. It is me AphoticAthanasy . I have been working hard on composing music . My capabilities grew substantially . Enjoy my treat =D . <a href=""> aDBNk</a> Also, this will be my new account . ^^ .
i listened to it and i must say its one of your best,very soothing but it makes me think about more than just the song but something deeper.
Pyrotek . I surely did miss you bro . I have been working my ass off behind the scenes lately . I hope you are still on this site ^-^ . I am AphoticAthanasy's new account . Don't spread the word too much, I think somebody that isn't part of the 0 bomb squad is hating on me, and so then hating on my songs .. So I am under this title now . l l u m a n s . Derives fromt he words Humans .
H = Heart
UM = Unconscious Mind
AN = An
S = Soul
The 3 interconnecting pieces that makes us, us . While under this name . I started a whole new genre of music . Atmospheric Other Ambient Abstract
It's better then any song I have ever made before September 23rd . I made a prototype album on this site . <a href=""></a> Can you tell me if you would buy my album ? I spent 1.5 days . Made 7 songs . 17:27 minutes in length . Enjoy . It's good to be able to talk to you again bro . ^-^ *Hugs*
l l u m a n s~
i must say your music really makes me try harder to put more feeling into my songs and that makes you original.something that drives me to make something different from the have made something unlike no other,i listened to your songs and summer moonfall was my favorite.while listening i realized that people do not always understand that music is art and you can not judge art because everybody sees it differently.i hope your name will be recognized in the future too.and i like your new secret is safe with me.newgrounds is not a great site to share music because of this awful voting system they have.i worked all day on "the simple song" and it got bombed.i only make music now for fun and to relieve glad somebody here has respect for how much time we put into music so i thank you. :)
Just heard Dance to the beat, liked it so I came to check out your other stuff.
Next time you're feeling bored, stop by my page and see whats new =)